What a great ghost tour today

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What a great ghost tour today

Most Haunted Castle
Published by Steve Graham in Ghost Tour Experiences · Wednesday 11 Dec 2013
Tags: GhostTours


Firstly what a great investigation tonight was, for the first time in a number of months we had the running footsteps on the top floor
(children's ward) hopefully it's the start of how things  used to be.

ut, that is not the reason for me sending this email. This email is my personal grateful thanks to Melanie, Beth and Simon, who without doubt have emulated (means benefited? - ed) the castle and its reputation. I spoke with the ghost tour clients at great length, who sang nothing but great praises about how lovely their meals were and the hospitality that they have received at the castle. In their own words we were, "second to none".

In fact
the couple who came on the tour who are staying at the farm house complemented Melanie for keeping them informed about tours that were running in the week that they were staying, because they really wanted to go on a ghost tour. And Melanie made it happen for them.

y original group of ladies said how courteous everyone has been toward them, their meal tonight was absolutely beautiful, and they felt as if staff had gone above and beyond to make them feel welcome. Bravo. Credit were credit is due. Please pass on my personal heartfelt thanks to all the team, the happier the client feels the better the reputation of the tours become, which is win win for all concerned!

thanks again

03/04/2012 email

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